Richland Tree Service

Expert Arborists: Providing Tree Removal, Trimming, Stump Grinding, Cabling, and Health Care Services for Your Greenery Needs

Tree Service, Removal, and Pruning in Richland, WA


Trees can offer your property some great benefits, especially the natural ambience and curb appeal they can provide. But they can be hard work. Keeping trees well maintained and managed isn’t always easy. That is why we have dedicated our resources to this service. We provide the best and most comprehensive range of tree care and management services. Our team takes care of all the hard work required to keep your trees healthy and well managed. We have experience when it comes to all forms of tree health care and management. Richland Tree Service has the professional experience you can count on to get the best result.

About Us

The tree service we provide is here to make it easy to look after your trees and manage your property effectively. It can take a lot of care and skills to ensure that your trees are healthy and effectively managed. But our service makes it easy. That’s because we have all the tools and expertise to do the hard work for you. As a result, if you want your trees to remain healthy and be managed effectively, there’s no better team to call on than us. We can give your trees the care and attention that they require.

Our Services

Richland Tree Service has all that you need to look after your trees. We make proper tree care and management easy. As part of our services, we provide a range of tree services, offering effective care and management. Our tree cutting service can handle both tree trimming and also specialize in providing Cabling and bracing. On top of that, we also provide tree and stump removal. So, if you are after the best of the “tree companies near me” to look after trees, call on us.

Tree Removal

Tree Trimming & Pruning

If you do see diseased tree branches, though, you should take action and ask for trimming services. If pruning is not done as soon as possible, the disease can spread quickly, resulting in the tree’s death. When that happens, tree removal is a certainty. There is no need for it to reach that extent, of course. Though there are trees that are perfectly healthy and yet need to be trimmed because their branches extend over powerlines and the garage or even the house. Branches that loom over the roof need to be cut because they pose a danger to the family by their overgrowth and the roofing structures. Thankfully, we offer great trimming and pruning for all of these scenarios. We happen to be the best expert tree trimmers in the area that know how to care for your trees. So, call on the best “tree trimming service near me” to help look after your trees.

Shrub and Bush Trimming
& Pruning

Dead branches also hinder the development of healthy branches in the tree. Our team of experts has seen this a lot of the time. Trees that have branches that are beginning to look a bit sickly or droop could still have the branches attached, so they take up a lot of space and resources. It would be in their best interest to prune the shrubs so they stop taking up resources from their roots, and it encourages the growth of new branches. If you are growing shrubs and small trees for their fruit, this is a plus as well. The removal of the dead and rotten limbs will inspire fruit growth, so there is better production. You will also notice that the shrubs which remain less vulnerable to diseases.

Pruning is a great way for growth and will promote the development of fruit the following season if it is done at the right time. For one, we encourage pruning during late winter rather than during the autumn so that when the fruit starts budding, it is the spring, and there is sufficient light and heat for optimal growth to occur. We recommend that you allow us to do this for you so that you do not have to worry about pruning at the wrong places and end up stressing the plants.

Pruning needs to be done by professionals, which is why Richland Tree Services are the right people for the job. Just like yourself, plants need the right maintenance for them to grow adequately. Pruning and trimming of shrubbery are going to be an improvement for the overall longevity of the bush. If we structurally prune the bush, it will end up benefiting in the long run. You will find there is a lesser need for corrective trimming in the future as the plant matures. The result is a healthier formation overall for the bush. If there is a loss in shape as well, the plant can become weak because of the stress implemented, and it will not have the strength to support the entire plant. We offer both bush trimming and shrub trimming as part of our service.

Stump Grinding & Removal

The problem with chemically reducing the stump is it is going to take significantly longer to work. It will often need work and attention as well, so it is not advisable. That is why it would be better to trust us with the task of grinding the stump to the ground. This is much faster as it is going to take only a few hours. It is environmentally efficient as well, considering the only thing left behind is sawdust and a pile of wood chips. You will also be getting rid of something that would otherwise ruin the curb appeal of your property. Even though the stump is something that you would accept as time goes on because of other priorities that need taking care of, having the stump ground will definitely increase the odds in your favor when the time comes to sell the home.

Stump grinding is a great way of arranging the lawn for aesthetic purposes. Think about it. The only debris left is wood chips and sawdust, which can be easily disposed of if they are not repurposed for mulching on the other trees and shrubs in the yard. It is a way to curtail unplanned tree growth also. When there is a stump, it is common to find tree spouts coming up in random locations. These are catalyzed by the presence of the stump, considering the root growth that is taking place in different areas. Unplanned growth makes the yard look quite shabby and diminishes the property’s overall look, so this is something to watch out for. Stumps may also be a pain to the pets and children. Adults are more likely to watch where they are going, so it would be easier for them to spot stumps and mark them as potential hazards. The same may not be said of children who use the yard as a play area, so incidents of tripping and falling are significantly increased if there is a stump. You will not have to worry about this, though, if stump grinding is done.

If you are not yet convinced, consider that tree stumps are a haven for pests and diseases. They may look harmless on the property but could actually be a harbor for any kind of insect. It is because of the slow decomposition of the stump, which increases the chances of infiltration by mold and rot. Insects then infest the tree stump and make it a home. The problem, in this case, is that it is not only secluded to the stump but also spreads to the surrounding trees, which is a problem for the yard. Our tree removal services, including stump grinding, are designed to ensure that the removal job is 100% complete and that nothing is left behind. That’s because we know that’s what you expect. We also provide bush removal services too.

Tree Cabling & Bracing

Bracing is something that is typically done near the base of the tree at the stem. It happens in tandem with cabling when the tree is suffering from structural issues, so it is weak and can potentially fall. Depending on the severe nature of the cracks happening on the main trunk or the branches, our team can choose between the different wiring and rods to adapt to the strategy for structural correction. Steel cables, for example, may be utilized. There is a wide variety which are available in the market though, each with their strengths. It can be hard to select the right tools for the job, though. Of course, it is crucial to have the right knowledge to carry out this practice to arrive at the optimal results for both the short and long term.

On the other hand, cabling is done to maintain the structure of the higher levels of the tree rather than at the base for bracing. The cables are made of flexible steel wires that are strong enough to withstand the weight and the growth of the tree limbs, not to mention movement. There are particular reasons which could warrant the use of bracing or cabling for trees. If you see any of these, it would be best to contact our services so we can help as soon as possible. The first is broken bark on the trunk sections of the tree. That means there are cracks and potential for splits or even falling over. Branches that are over the house or fixed property can pose a danger. That does not mean cars, by the way, and it is not advisable anyway to park near a tree due to shedding or the potential of storms felling the trees. If you have leaning trees, also give us a call, and we can come to make the tree as firm as necessary.

You may ask why not just prune the tree if it is overgrown since that is part of the services that we offer. That is a good question since tree health is important. However, there is a limit to how a tree can be trimmed before it becomes stressful for its continued growth. For example, the problems that require bracing and cabling are significantly big when it comes to structural integrity. Large branches are essential to the tree’s health, so they would have to be set in place rather than cut. The same goes for problems involving the trunk and so on.

There are typically two types of cabling offered for vulnerable trees, which are static and dynamic. The static options are where the cables are set to not allow for a lot of movement in the branches. The tree would not have a lot of sway, and it is usually coupled with bracing rods on the stem. The other option of dynamic cabling is where the cables allow for some sort of movement of the tree branches. They are firm in their setting, but there is some give. At the end of the day, cabling and bracing will reallocate the tree’s structural stress. It will also reduce the risk of damage occurring during adverse weather. If you feel that your trees are at risk of damage, this is the best option you could hope for.

Tree Health Maintenance & Care

Contact Us Today

We provide the “tree services near me” that you need to keep any trees on your property well maintained and managed. Our selection of Richland WA tree services offer an easy way to ensure that any trees receive the care they require. We offer services such as tree trimming and even specialize in tree and stump removal. So, get the professional tree services that you need by calling us now. Our contact information has been provided on our website. We have also partnered with the top painter Richland WA has in town and a great company for tree removal Halifax!